New Muslim Glossary

Transliteration Guide

Symbol Arabic Equivalent Symbol Arabic Equivalent
ˀ أ ئ ء ؤ glottal stop ص heavy S
th ث th in think ض heavy D
j ج j in jam ط heavy T
ح breathy H ḍh ظ heavy dh
kh خ Like the ch in Bach ʿ ع throaty stop
dh ذ Like the th in think gh غ like the French guttural R
sh ش Like the sh in shine q ق like K but further back in the throat

Note: These definitions are not exhaustive. They are intended as a starting point for new Muslims.

A/I/U - أ

Aʿoodhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ar-rajeem أَعُوْذُ بِاللَهِ مِنَ الْشَّيْطَانِ الْرِّجِيْم I seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan the damned
ˀAdhaan أَذَان The first call to prayer
ˀAkhee أَخِي My brother
Akhlaaq أَخْلَاق moral and ethical character
Alḥamdu lillaa اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّه All praise is due to Allah
Allahu akbar الله أَكْبَر Allah is the greatest
Ansaar أَنْصَار Inhabitants of Medina who took in Muhammad and his followers following their escape from Makka
As-salaam ʿaleikum السَلَامُ عَلَيْكُم Peace be upon you (used as a greeting)
As-salaam ʿaleikum wa raḥmatullah